Dr. Mindes is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in Virginia. She provides counseling to individuals and couples struggling with infertility, the stress of fertility treatment, pregnancy loss, PCOS, premature ovarian insufficiency, postpartum adjustment, and those considering building their families through third-party reproduction, including same sex couples and single parents. She also performs third-party reproduction assessments for donor egg, sperm, embryo, and gestational surrogacy arrangements. Dr. Mindes has conducted research and written on the psychological responses to infertility and fertility treatment, and co-authored the chapter, “Counseling Known Participants in Third-Party Reproduction” in the book, Fertility Counseling: Clinical Guide and Case Studies, edited by Sharon Covington. She serves on the Executive Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine’s (ASRM) Mental Health Professional Group (MHPG) and is a Professional Member of RESOLVE. Dr. Mindes received her Bachelor’s degree from The University of Chicago, and her Master’s and Doctoral degrees from Virginia Commonwealth University. She sees patients at her office in Richmond, Virginia.
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